Thursday, February 23, 2012

New Updates This Week

We are kind of getting somewhere, maybe.

This is what we found out this week.
At Phil's Pain Management appointment his doctor pulled his current pain medicine. Phil is no longer on percocet, and no longer on morphine. Instead he is on liquid Rococet and a Fentanyl patch.
He was taken off the pills because he couldn't keep any food down for over two weeks.

We finally received news back from his CT scans last week ordered by his gastroentrologist.
He has something called Hemangioma- a benign tumor on his liver.

He has several cysts on his Kidneys which they said were nothing to worry about unless they were causing issues like lower back pain and trouble going potty. If that is the case, then Phil would be transferred over to a Renal or Kidney doctor to possibly do a biopsy on the cysts or his Primary care doctor might be able to help him out with this.

The other concern are nodules on his lungs. Since the Gastro doctor ordered the scans, he can't officially read what these nodules are. So his Gastro doctor ordered another CT of just the lungs, which will take place on Monday February 27. And Phil was referred over to a Pulmonary doctor for his lung issues.

We did find out that the acute pancreatitis is no longer active. At least right now.

Next week Phil is having a CT scan of his lungs, a doctors appointment with his Ear Nose and Throat doctor and on Friday next week he has a colonoscopy and endoscopy for further investigation to his abdominal pain.

Thats the news so far. I think we are getting somewhere. Its taking a while, but we are getting somewhere.

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